Then rolls out Thursday and we were having a good friend over for dinner that night (total brain fart on planning out my running week on my end) so I simply thought I would just go running after work. I've done that before, right?! Yes about a month ago and I stopped that because we live in Houston and in Houston it goes from great weather to unbearable hot, and at 4:00pm on the track it is just that -unbearably hot! Of course I somehow had talked my self into thinking that I could handle it, I figured it would be cloudy and it wouldn't be so bad. WRONG! IT WAS HOT!! And it was not completely overcast so Mr. Sun kept blaring down on me :( It was miserable. First mile was okay I managed to keep pace and when the sun hid behind some clouds I made sure to buck it... Unfortunately mile two killed me, no clouds and pure sun. I could not finish 3miles that day. Although my run was an utter fail, dinner was not :)
Friday was a good surprise, we were Hailey free (thanks to her grandma) and we were able to go to a family get together, celebrating my aunts 50th birthday and it was tons of fun. I have to say that Facebook is one of those amazing things that, although a bit of a cliche, it connects you to friends and family that you would other wise not see or visit with for months at a time. Friday night I was able to hold a cute little baby that I had only seen via Facebook, she didn't mind the crazy party at all and didn't mind us holding her while her parent hit the dance floor for a bit. Then of course we hit the dance floor too!! Something we hadn't done in a loooong time, I still think I might have danced the equivalent of three miles that night!! Absolutely loved seeing my family <3>
After a night like that a Saturday morning run was not happening. Thankfully we spent Saturday at the pool and later we fired up the grill for yummy grub! I could not have asked for a better weekend!! Sunday I woke up refreshed and relaxed and ready to run! I headed out and found that my dad and Lety were also lacing up their shoes for a morning run. We went our separate ways but it was good seeing them up and ready to go :) Right away into my first mile, I saw that it was a good chance it was about to rain- and it did. I've been reading "Running for Women" and just in the first chapter the author talks about running in the rain -
"Just wear a brimmed hat to keep the rain out of your eyes and tight-fitting synthetic clothing that won’t hang on you and get heavy.”
Excerpt From: Kara Goucher & Adam Bean. “Kara Goucher's Running for Women.”
I did a quick inventory and realized that I had all of the above, so I thought to my self unless it gets ugly out here I'm sticking with this run. AND I did! I had to coach my self through it a little and I'm glad I always have my cell phone with me, I figured if need be I'll find cover by a house and call Jose to come pick me up. Thankfully I never had to use my cell phone, I did get a text message in my second mile and I knew it was my hubby, but I also knew that he would understand if I kept going. Later he told me he was a little worried :) it turned out to be a
Today marks the official count down to our summer vacation!!! Florida here we come! Only 25 days till we hit the road - eek! So this also means that I'm stepping up with some extra toning work outs, for me that means that I might not see dropping pounds if I start building muscle but that's okay with me - want to try my best to lose a few more inches and fit into a couple of things that I have stashed away. Plus I have refused to go shopping for anything because I know I will want to buy an outfit or two for this trip and I am determined to slim down a little bit more between now and then!! So it's been baggy pants for a few weeks and its gonna stay that way till it gets a little bit closer our road trip. I will keep you posted - there are things that I want to do while in Florida, Disney World of course and a Forth of July 5K! I'm so excited about it!!! Can't wait to be able to post about that race - until then training and toning!!
Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)